Personal Development
The goal is to take a proactive stance towards personal spiritual and relational health. Our spiritual formation, spiritual disciplines, and relationships with friends and family are of primary importance.
Personal Development Givens
Biblical Basis: Isaiah 6, Matthew 6:33-34, Philippians 2:12-13
Growing in Grace - A Biblical Basis for Personal Growth by Rick Spencer
Pacesetter: Lead out in creating health for self and family physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. Operate off a full calendar, take all of your vacation days!
Spiritual Focus: Provide regular times for spiritual retreat and refreshment: one day a month prayer day, conference once per year, support group.
Equipping: Invest in the lives of family and friends regularly.
Incarnational: Schedule one weekend a month with no BSM activity.
Personal Development Tasks for New Workers
Participate in Maximizing Your Time discussion at New Worker Training.
Complete PLACE Assessment.
Join a local Baptist Church within the first three months for personal and family spiritual growth. (BGCT church search)
Set up a personal calendar system during the first semester using a written calendar, smartphone, computer, etc.
Set aside adequate time for personal study and prayer during the week.
Set aside one full weekend a month with no BSM activities/responsibilities.
Take personal vacation days.
Develop a personal accountability group made up of non-students.
Personal Development Resources
Top Reading Recommendations
Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard Foster
Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives by Richard Swenson
Additional Reading Recommendations
Ordering Your Private World by Gordon McDonald
Personal Bible Study Methods by Rick Warren
The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives by Dallas Willard
Personal Prayer Retreats
08 August by Joyce Ashcraft
09 September by Robbi Francovich
10 October by Kimberly Roddy
11 November by Brenda Sanders
Rest by Joyce Ashcraft
Rest from Shawn Shannon
The Spiritual Discipline of Rest by Beth Smith
Spiritual Formation
Confession and Self from Shawn Shannon
Lectio Divina - Reading the Scriptures with Your Heart by Shawn Shannon
Lectio Divina - Reading with the Head and Heart by Shawn Shannon
Meditation from Shawn Shannon
Practicing the Presence from Shawn Shannon
Reflection - A form of an Examen of Consciousness by Shawn Shannon
Revival Preparation from Shawn Shannon
Slowing from Shawn Shannon
Solitude Community and Leadership by Ruth Haley Barton
Spiritual Growth Tracts adapted from Roger Matkin's Nurturing Spiritual Growth (used with permission)
The Discipline of Examen from Shawn Shannon
The Discipline of Silence from Shawn Shannon
The Discipline of Solitude from Shawn Shannon
The Discipline of Solitude drawn from Celebration of Discipline from Shawn Shannon
Questions for Reflection from Shawn Shannon
Family Time & Relationships
College Minister's Seasons of Ministry by Arliss Dickerson
College Minister’s Seasons of Life by Arliss Dickerson
Winding Down the Semester by Arliss Dickerson