The goal is to develop each believer into a global Christian by assisting students to discover how God’s Spirit leads the Church in reaching the world for Christ. We must think like a modern missionary concerning the campus, the community, and the world.
Missions Givens
Biblical Basis: Acts 1:8
Pacesetter: Supporting Go Now Missions as the priority sending tool for Texas BSM.
Spiritual Focus: Praying for the "Laborers for the Harvest".
Equipping: Recruiting and training students to serve locally and globally. Conduct Go Now Missions local interviews in the Fall.
Incarnational: Lead at least one mission trip per BSM staff member.
Missions Tasks for New Workers
Complete the Bible Study, The Holy Spirit’s Work - A Biblical Basis for Missions & Ministry by Rick Spencer.
Teach students through Bible study and practical experience about the role of the Holy Spirit in all missions endeavors. At least two programs during the fall semester must center on missions.
Read the Local BSM Missions Timeline by Brenda Sanders
Coordinate a Student Missions’ Strategy in conjunction with the Texas Baptist Student Missions Go Now program involving local development, fundraising, committee development and sending/supporting summer and semester missions. Prepare a strategy by the following July Staff Retreat.
Develop a Student Missions’ Strategy involving the team approach to 1) determine places of service, 2) decide what students are “called out” to go and 3) implement the mission opportunities. This strategy varies from campus to campus; however, your team should consist of both students and members of the campus/church community. (For example, a local pastor, three students, the Director and one Sunday school teacher.) Plans for this team may start anytime but needs to be fully developed before the fall of the following year.
Contact Brenda Sanders to spend time with you and / or students on campus to discuss a mission’s strategy. Enlist Brenda to come to your campus before March.
Coordinate one mission trip with students during the first year, including several non-student adults from churches.
Attend and participate in the Texas Baptist Student Missions Go Now Interview Weekend in February.
Missions Resources
Brenda Sanders
Brenda is our TXBSM Go Now Missions Consultant. She is here to help you with missions on and for your campus.
Top Reading Recommendations
God’s Heart for the Nations by Jeff Lewis
Live Life on Purpose by Claude Hickman
How to be a World-Class Christian by Paul Borthwick
Additional Reading Recommendations
Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation by Jason Mandryk
Scaling the Wall: Overcoming Obstacles to Missions Involvement by Kathy Hicks
Further Reading Recommendations
Ask a Missionary: Time-Tested Answers from Those Who've Been There by John McVay
Changing the Mind of Missions by James F. Engel
Cross Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility by Duan Elmore
Exiles: Living Missionally in a Post-Christian Culture by Michael Frost
Serving with Eyes Wide Open: Doing Short-Term Missions with Cultural Intelligence by David A. Livermore
Short-Term Missions Workbook: From Mission Tourists to Global Citizens by Tim Dearborn
Six Dangerous Questions to Transform Your View of the World by Paul Borthwick
The Forgotten Ways: Reactivating the Missional Church by Alan Hirsch
The Shaping of Things to Come by Alan Hirsch
Third Culture Missions – Thoughts from The Monkey and the Fish by John Pearce
When Helping Hurts by Corbett & Fikkert
All Go Now Missions forms, guidelines, applications, etc. are located on the Go Now site at gonowmissions.com/bsm-church-staff. If you cannot log in, contact the Go Now office at 817-277-4077.
Local BSM Missions Timeline by Brenda Sanders
Coke or Christ by Brenda Sanders
Ideas to Encourage Recruit Students to Serve as a Go Now Missionary
Planning to Train & Support Your Missionaries with Marcy Martinez
Preparing Your Students for a Missional Summer Experience by Nick Howard
Preparing Your Students to GO with Ben Edfeldt & Rebecca Hernandez
What is Missional Living by Brenda Sanders